Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thinking Question...(Chapter 18-24)

Do you think you could keep yourself from favoring a terminally ill child?


  1. Most people feel bad for a child that has a disability or illness that they can't control. A lot of people will let them do something other kids can't do or give them an easy route because they have it tough enough, but most of the time these kids just want to be treated like nothing is wrong with them because that is how they like it to be. I would try my hardest to not favor a terminally ill child but it would be hard not to feel bad for them.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. If someone is terminally ill, are you really favoring them by doing things for them or with them? At that point, they are in need of everything someone can possibly do for them...helping out a person in need would not be 'favoring' in my book....

  4. I don't think i could not help but favor a terminally ill kid. Their needs are much more greater then a normal kids. they would need more guidence and need to be watch alot more.
